What To Expect From Your Visit At

Dr. Steven will take an in-depth history in order to determine an accurate diagnosis and to better understand the contributing factors of your pain.
He will then perform an assessment which includes neurological and orthopedic examinations, assess your vitals, as well as perform any other examinations Dr. Steven believes is pertinent to your condition and suspected diagnosis.
Report of Findings
Dr. Steven will discuss your history, exam findings and diagnosis with you so that you fully understand your condition and the source of your pain. Dr. Steven will also discuss his proposed treatment and management plan. With your feedback and collaboration, you and Dr. Steven will determine and agree upon a plan that is most beneficial for you.
Therapy may consist of electric muscle stimulation, physiotherapy, manual therapy, instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (Graston Technique), etc. (see list of therapeutic services for further details). Therapy will vary from patient to patient and will be based on your individual condition.
Patient Education
Dr. Steven will provide advice and suggested modifications of your activities of daily living which will aid in your recovery and enhance the healing process so that you can remain pain-free long after your office visits.
Chiropractic Adjustment
You will receive an adjustment in order to improve biomechanical efficiency and neurological function if it is determined that such treatment is necessary based on your condition.
If you are not comfortable receiving an adjustment, Dr. Steven has other forms of therapy which he can utilize to alleviate your pain.
First Visit

Brief History
Dr. Steven will briefly discuss your current status in order to direct your treatment to your specific needs.
Therapy may consist of electric muscle stimulation, physiotherapy, manual therapy, instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (Graston Technique), etc. (see list of therapeutic services for further details).
Dr. Steven may implement or review stability exercises which are an integral portion of your treatment in order to achieve sustained improvements.
Patient Education
You will receive continuous feedback and instructions in order to maximize your treatment and maintain your relief of pain beyond the office visit.
Chiropractic Adjustment
Dr. Steven will implement an adjustment in order to improve biomechanical efficiency and neurological function if it is determined that such treatment is necessary based on your condition.
If you are not comfortable receiving an adjustment, Dr. Steven has other forms of therapy which he can utilize to alleviate your pain.
Follow-Up Visits